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Tools hanging on the wall in the Bicycle Education Center

Bicycle Education Center

El Monte
Project Category

ActiveSGV opened the SGV Bicycle Education Center on Sunday October 25, 2015. Conveniently located just a few blocks from the Rio Hondo Bike Path behind the El Monte Airport, the center occupies a former classroom at the Jeff Seymour Family Center, a decommissioned El Monte City School District Campus previously known as Mulhall Elementary School. 

The BEC is available for anyone to use to perform maintenance on their bicycles. All guests and patrons are expected to perform the work on their own. However staff and volunteers will do our best to help you get your wheels back in good working order! This is a DIY workspace, so we want people to be self reliant.

We have an abundance of spare parts to use, should anything on your bicycle require replacement. The cost of parts will vary, and will be determined on a case-by-case basis. We also sell recycled bicycles of all types and sizes, from children's bikes to tandem bikes. Donations of parts and bikes in working order are welcome. Please email us if you have something you think could use a new home. Proceeds from all sales help cover the cost of rent, supplies, and staff time.

Want to learn more? Check our FAQ section below, and stop by during our regular Friday and Saturday hours!


CLOSED Until Further Notice. ​


Jose Jimenez, Education Director

Yasser Martinez, Education Coordinator


Jeff Seymour Family Center
​10900 Mulhall Street, Rm. 17
El Monte, CA 91731

The City of El Monte is the first in SoCal to have a bicycle campus or "traffic garden" that features native landscaping, storm-water capture, and special paint design to reflect more light than normal black asphalt! Made possible through a collaboration between Amigos de los Rios, the El Monte City School District, and ActiveSGV, the bike campus is one element of a sustainable transformation of the former Mulhall Elementary School into the Jeff Seymour Family Center. The green infrastructure project --which includes 300 drought-tolerant trees and plants, asphalt removal, paint, and other improvements -- was spearheaded by Amigos de los Rios and made possible through grant funding from CalFire via the California Climate Investments program. Additional funding from REI supported the development of a Bike Park on the campus. Be sure to check out the Bike Park page here.

Support the SGV Bicycle Education Center

The center is very much a grassroots effort and its success will depend on ongoing community support. We hope you will get involved in any way you can, whether it be donating financially, volunteering your time, and/or passing forward any extra bike parts you might have collecting dust.  Below are 4 easy ways you can make a difference. Please note donations to BikeSGV are tax-deductible!

  1. Make a financial donation! All donors who do not wish to remain anonymous will be recognized on the BikeSGV website, as well as be eligible for additional benefits listed below. If you would prefer to donate by check, please make it out to ActiveSGV and write "ActiveSGV Ed Center" in the memo section at bottom left. Checks should be mailed to 10900 Mulhall St., El Monte, Ca 91731.
  2. Donate parts/tools/bikes - Clear out your garage/closet of any unneeded bikes, bike parts (e.g., wheels, frames, components), bike supplies, bike tools, and/or furniture (e.g., filing cabinets). Donors can receive a receipt for your taxes. Donations can be dropped off at the below listed locations. If needed, pickup may be possible depending on location and items.
  3. Volunteer - Folks with bike repair experience are especially needed, but there are a lot of other ways you can get involved if you don't have those skills yet. Email us if interested.
  4. Spread the Word!  Help us get the word out about our new space and program through your FB, instagram, twitter, and/or good old fashioned word-of-mouth... let others know and lets make this make this a Co-Op the entire SGV can enjoy!

Founding Donors - 2015 - Thank You!

A huge thank you to the following individuals, organizations and entities who contributed to the launch of the SGV Bicycle Education Center by donating parts, supplies, entire bicycles, and/or financially. Without your generous support this program would simply not be possible. Thank you again! 


  • Ray - PMBC
  • David Fisk
  • Tony and Gloria Martin
  • Ryan Sommer
  • Munjal Thakkar
  • Josef Bray Ali
  • Wes Reutimann
  • Jose Jimenez
  • John Lloyd 
  • Chris Tran
  • Ryan and Suzy Weeks
  • Wendy Chung
  • Melissa Preciado-Hernandez
  • Laura Santos
  • Andrew Fung-Yip
  • Shaun Dunnick
  • Harvey and Linda Hyde
  • Efren Moreno
  • Kerin Huber


Upcoming Easy Access Events

The flyer promotes the “Easy Access Spring Bloom Ride,” a free 19-mile community bike ride with giveaways. It features an image of white and yellow Matilija poppies, bold blue and green text, and an illustration of pink flowers. The event takes place on April 5, 2025, starting at Jeff Seymour Family Center in El Monte and traveling to the Santa Fe Dam Nature Center.

Spring Bloom Ride: Easy Access to Santa Fe Dam Nature Center

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Apr 5, 2025
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8:00 am
Jeff Seymour Family Center 10900 Mulhall Street El Monte, CA 91731
Join ActiveSGV for the New Year as we host another 2025 E-asy Access ride from our Jeff Seymour Family Center. We will ride to various points of interest, learn more about the Emerald Necklace network, and stop by the Santa Fe Dam Nature Center.