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Volunteers work at 626 Golden Streets

Calling All Volunteers!

ActiveSGV was founded by a small group of volunteer advocates who recognized that safer streets would only come to the San Gabriel Valley if a concentrated, organized effort was made by community members. Built on those principles, ActiveSGV relies on a strong team of volunteers and interns to support our staff in developing, launching and realizing our projects and programs! All skill sets are needed and appreciated so drop us an email and let us know how you would like to get involved!

Volunteer Interest Form
Gabe holding Noche de las Luminarias sign

Noche de Las Luminarias

Event proceeds from our annual fundraiser and award ceremony support ActiveSGV's work, including our open streets program Active Streets, the GoSGV e-bike share program, and ongoing efforts to realize greener, safer, more sustainable communities in the San Gabriel Valley.

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