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Cyclists riding down a bike path.

Merced Avenue Greenway

South El Monte
Project Category
Water, Parks, and Greening

The Merced Avenue Greenway is a transformative project in South El Monte that blends environmental sustainability with community infrastructure improvements. This greenway will serve both pedestrians and cyclists while enhancing stormwater management, improving urban green spaces, and providing habitat for native plants and trees. The project is divided into two phases, with Phase I (South of Rush Street) expected to be completed by the end of 2024 and Phase II (North of Rush Street) by 2027.

Key environmental features of the project include bioswales for stormwater capture, an urban tree canopy for shade and heat reduction, and porous pavement for improved water management. By installing green infrastructure along this 1.1-mile stretch, the project aims to improve local water quality and mitigate flood risks, capturing over 3.3 million gallons of rainwater during the average storm season.

Funded by the State of California Parks Water Bond 2018 (Prop 68), California Natural Resources Agency, Rivers and Mountains Conservancy, California Water Boards (Prop 1), Safe Clean Water LA, and LA Public Works, the Merced Avenue Greenway project is a testament to the power of strong partnerships and generous support. The collaboration, led by the City of South El Monte and including the Council for Watershed Health, Climate Resolve, Tetra Tech, and Alta Planning + Design, has been essential in realizing this visionary initiative.

For more information on the Merced Avenue Greenway, visit the project website here. And check out the news feature below by Spectrum News 1 which explores how the Merced Avenue Greenway project is transforming South El Monte by enhancing safety, reducing heat, and improving water quality.

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