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The SGV Council of Governments Invites Bike SGV to Present

The wheels of change in San Gabriel Valley spin faster and faster. Bike SGV has been invited to present at two separate SGV Council of Governments (COG) meetings.  The first meeting will consist of city planners and will take place on Thursday, May 30, 2012, @ 12:00 noon @ the Monrovia Community Center.  The second meeting will involve all participating public works directors and will take place on Monday, June 25, 2012, @ 12:00 noon in Arcadia (location to be determined). 

As the nation moves toward improving the economy, infrastructure, and overall health of America, it is critical to unite as a region to bring further capital and resources to our beloved San Gabriel Valley.  It is important that like minded people and organizations meet in an effort to identify the greatest needs in our communities and ultimately develop a plan to improve upon them.  

Bike SGV is committed to partnering and supporting local community stakeholders with similar visions of a healthier and safer San Gabriel Valley.  As a result of these meetings, we are hoping to improve upon the built environment by embracing a very viable and healthy transportation option, the bicycle.

Please stay tuned as we report on the outcomes of our presentations to the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments.

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