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Rio Hondo Users Gain Access to El Monte Bus Station

In October of 2012, the San Gabriel Valley and greater LA County celebrated the grand opening of the newly renovated El Monte Bus Station. The station was held in high regard as the largest bus station West of Mississippi, with the capacity to service over 30,000 people daily. The facility achieved a Gold level rating as a Leader in Environmental and Energy Design (LEED). It only lacked direct access to the Rio Hondo Bike Path. 

BikeSGV initiated a campaign to raise awareness among Metro, County, City staff, and elected officials about the potential to accommodate thousands of cyclists and pedestrians traveling along the river. A petition was started and well, nearly 250 signatures, numerous letters to officials, community meetings, presentations, and bike rides, and roughly 14 months later...bicyclists and pedestrians can now directly and easily access the El Monte Bus Station from the Rio Hondo Bike Path. 

The new access point to the bus station is located on the Westside of the station at the rear of the bus terminals. If traveling North on the Rio Hondo, immediately after passing Fletcher Park at the "Y," merge to the right up the driveway and follow the signs. If traveling Southbound on the Rio Hondo, upon passing Pioneer Park, pass the overhead bus fast track and Metrolink bridge and make a left-hand U-turn onto the driveway entrance point, and follow the signs.  

This major victory would not have been possible without the outpouring support from local and regional residents and, most certainly, users of the station and bike path. Turns out, with a little patience and guided focus, this whole advocacy thing really works. BikeSGV would also like to sincerely thank Metro staff, El Monte city staff, LA County staff, and all elected officials that supported this campaign.

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