On Tuesday, May 15th, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously adopted an SGV Regional Greenways Motion authored by Supervisors Hilda Solis and Kathryn Barger!
The vote was the latest palpable step towards a regional network of walking and biking paths along the San Gabriel Valley's many washes and creeks, thanks to years of consistent progress by community partners, staff from the SGV Council of Governments, and BikesGV organizers.
In adopting the motion, the Board has instructed the Departments of Public Works and Parks and Recreation to develop a strategic implementation plan for the San Gabriel Valley Greenway Network. In the short term, this shall include a report back within 90 days by Public Works with a preliminary timeline, necessary staffing levels, budget considerations, and funding strategy required to complete the below steps:
- Engage LACMTA and SGVCOG, and its member cities to determine the roles of each respective agency in the planning and implementation process for connectivity of local city and County streets and roads with the greenway network and explore the need for a cooperative agreement to expedite project delivery, as it relates to LACMTA's Operation Shovel Ready – San Gabriel Valley Regional Greenway Network Feasibility Study.
- Engage stakeholders to update the 2006 San Gabriel River Corridor Master Plan to incorporate more recent planning efforts and elements consistent with the San Gabriel Valley Greenway Network;
- Apply the National Association of City Transportation Official's Urban Bikeway and Urban Street Design Guides to ensure safety, access for all, and robust community benefit;
- Evaluate all eligible funding sources to develop a comprehensive funding strategy that includes Measure M, Measure A, water infrastructure funding, local contributions, State and Federal grants, private-public partnerships, and other nonconventional funding sources;
- Develop a strong community engagement and education outreach plan that informs, empowers, and builds capacity among local and regional community-based organizations and stakeholders to increase awareness, cultural competency, and inclusion of community needs along the greenways and
- 6. In coordination with the Chief Executive Office, work with our State and Federal legislative delegations to ensure greenway funding is eligible in any and all future funding proposals related to transportation, parks, water conservation, and other related funding sources.
Stay tuned for more updates!