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Help Launch the SGV Bike Education Center!!!

BikeSGV is in the process of opening the SGV's first Bicycle Education Center and Cooperative, conveniently located just a few blocks from the Rio Hondo Bike Path behind the El Monte Airport. The cooperative will occupy two classrooms at the decommissioned Mulhall Elementary School, now the Jeff Seymour Family Center. 

As with all of our projects, this is very much a grassroots effort and will depend on community support to get off the ground and flourish. We hope you will get involved in any way you can, whether it be donating a few dollars, volunteering your time, and/or passing forward any extra bike parts you might have collecting dust.   

How YOU can help!

1)  Make a financial donation towards our $10,000 goal!  All donors will be recognized on the BikeSGV website, as well as be eligible for additional benefits listed below. If you would prefer to donate by check, please make it out to "Community Partners fbo BikeSGV" and write "BikeSGV Ed Center" in the memo section at the bottom left. Checks should be mailed to Community Partners, 1000 N. Alameda St. #240, Los Angeles 90012. 

2) Donate parts/tools/bikes - Clear out your garage/closet of any unneeded bikes, bike parts (e.g., wheels, frames, components), bike supplies, bike tools, and/or furniture (e.g., filing cabinets). Donors can receive a receipt for your taxes. Donations can be dropped off at the below-listed locations. If needed, pickup may be possible depending on location and items. 

  • Pasadena - Day One, 175 N. Euclid Ave, Pasadena 91101 (Monday-Friday 10 AM - 6 PM) - located between Pasadena City Hall and the courthouse
  • Pasadena - Jose Jimenez: Performance Bicycle Pasadena, 323 South Arroyo Parkway, Pasadena, CA 91105 between 10-8 M-Sat
  • Hacienda Heights - Andrew Fung Yip, 1102 Jarrow Ave., Hacienda Heights 91745
  • Sierra Madre - Brandon Heflin, Centric Sport, 49 Sierra Madre Blvd, Sierra Madre, CA 91024

3) Volunteer - Folks with bike repair experience are especially needed, but there are a lot of other ways you can get involved if you don't have those skills yet. Contact XYZ if interested.

4) Help us NAME the cooperative!  A great community space needs a great name. Please email any suggestions to:

5) Spread the Word!  Help us get the word out about our new space and program through your FB, Instagram, Twitter, and/or good old-fashioned word-of-mouth... let others know, and let's make this make this a Co-Op the entire SGV can enjoy!


  • 6 month use of workshop space


  • 1 year use of workshop space
  • 1 free daily bike rental


  • 3 years use of workshop space
  • 5 free daily bike rentals


  • 5 year use of workshop space
  • Name on donor wall
  • 10 free daily bike rentals


  • Lifetime use of workshop space
  • Name on donor wall 
  • 50 daily bike rentals

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