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City of San Marino Seeking Input on Bicycling and Walking Conditions

After striping its first Class II Bicycle Lane in 2013, and considering another on the east-west thoroughfare Lorain Rd, the City of San Marino is moving forward with a formal study of improving conditions for bicycling and walking in town.

In November, the San Marino City Council directed staff to review a second round of proposals submitted by the planning firm and select a team to develop the City's first Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. The local firm Ryan Snyder Associates, which also drafted Pasadena's most recent draft bicycle plan, came out on top of this process.

On Tuesday, January 28th the City and Ryan Snyder are hosting a first public meeting at the Crowell Public Library to discuss the development of the plan and solicit suggestions on how to improve conditions for bicycling and walking in town. The input of local bicyclists (and walkers!) is needed, especially if you live, work, shop, walk, or bike in town! 

What: San Marino Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Meeting

When: Tuesday, January 28th (6:30 PM)

Where: Crowell Public Library, Barth Room, 1890 Huntington Dr., San Marino 91108

Unable to attend the meeting?  Feedback can also be provided to Ryan directly via phone (310-475-3895) or email (

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