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Active San Gabriel Valley (ActiveSGV) is calling all local artists for a first-time project at the SGV Bicycle Education Center and Campus in the friendly City of El Monte. The project consists of the development of a public art piece for the newly transformed Jeff Seymour Family Center, a community non-profit village that includes a playground, over 300 recently planted native trees, and the SGV’s first bike campus or “traffic garden.” Local artist(s) are needed to create a sculpture with stationary piece(s) of up-cycled discarded bicycles and bicycle parts (which the bike center can provide on-site). Artwork shall highlight or express the joys of active living as well as the many pressing health problems, including some of the nation’s worst air pollution, chronic illnesses associated with sedentary lifestyles, and climate change. Created works shall remain on the campus for constituents to enjoy. With the support of ActiveSGV, artists shall seek to provide local residents and youth the opportunity to help realize the up-cycled sculpture.

Project Description

The call is open to all artists with minimal or extensive experience of up-cycled materials. Concepts shall incorporate one or more of the below-listed themes.

  • Active Transportation (walk/bike/transit)
  • Pedestrian safety
  • Sustainability
  • Public Education
  • El Monte history

When selecting your artwork, keep in mind the relationship between the San Gabriel Valley’s landscape, its past, and hopes for a sustainable future. We welcome your ideas, and creativity is encouraged. Up-cycled materials and basic necessary tools to create the sculpture are provided. Artwork and labor are compensated monetarily upon the completion of the project.


  • February 28, 2019 - Application Deadline
  • March 1-5, 2019 - Interviews and artist selection
  • April 26, 2019 - Artwork completion date

ActiveSGV retains the right to extend the project timeline.

How to Apply

Artists interested in being considered should email a brief cover letter and images containing samples of their work to Diane Velez at by 5:00 PM on February 28, 2019.

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