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Build a Bike Park - Sunday 12/4 and 12/11!

Help create the SGV's first community Bike Park at the Jeff Seymour Family Center!

Conveniently located adjacent to the Rio Hondo River bike path behind the El Monte Airport, the new park is already under construction! However, hands are needed to help shape and pack down the in-development pump tracks, perimeter trails, and other park elements. Be among the first to test-ride the new park, meet others passionate about bikes and healthy communities, and enjoy some healthy refreshments by attending our Public Bike Park Build Days on Sunday 12/4, and 12/11! Among other listed benefits, lending a hand these days is also a great way to burn some calories AND do something for the local community before the holidays! :)

​Bike Park Build Days

Park design and construction were made possible via a partnership with Amigos de los Rios and the El Monte City School District, as well as financial support from REI.

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