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Community members on bikes conducting a bike audit on Alhambra streets

Walk, Bike, Move! Alhambra

Project Category

Active San Gabriel Valley (ActiveSGV) and Alta Planning and Design developed the Walk, Bike, Move Alhambra! pedestrian and bicycle transportation plan to improve the quality of life for residents, workers, and visitors by providing improved facilities to allow people to walk and bike throughout the city. ActiveSGV collected surveys and encouraged community members and visitors to share input via a public input map to learn how and where folks travel and what the current challenges are to walking, biking, and rolling in Alhambra. ActiveSGV led walking and biking audits, in person workshops, virtual town hall meetings, and pop-up booths within Alhambra.

Upcoming Easy Access Events

The flyer promotes the “Easy Access Spring Bloom Ride,” a free 19-mile community bike ride with giveaways. It features an image of white and yellow Matilija poppies, bold blue and green text, and an illustration of pink flowers. The event takes place on April 5, 2025, starting at Jeff Seymour Family Center in El Monte and traveling to the Santa Fe Dam Nature Center.

Spring Bloom Ride: Easy Access to Santa Fe Dam Nature Center

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Apr 5, 2025
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8:00 am
Jeff Seymour Family Center 10900 Mulhall Street El Monte, CA 91731
Join ActiveSGV for the New Year as we host another 2025 E-asy Access ride from our Jeff Seymour Family Center. We will ride to various points of interest, learn more about the Emerald Necklace network, and stop by the Santa Fe Dam Nature Center.