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Staff Spotlight: Ed Duong

You might recognize Ed from one of our Outreach or community events, or perhaps you've seen him around the SGV passing out flyers for our next Golden Streets event (ABP: ALWAYS BE PROMOTIN'!) -- but we bet you didn't know he's always lived 5 minutes from our office! Who knew that Facebook and a love of bikes would connect us with one of our El Monte neighbors and spark an awesome volunteer-turned-employee experience? Read on to find out more about our good friend, Ed (aka Spg-Edward). 

1. How did you get started working at ActiveSGV?

I graduated from CSULB with a degree in Communication Studies and had no idea what I wanted to do in my profession. I did the only thing I knew I wanted to do, which was to be around bicycles and with friends who also enjoyed biking. I then found a Facebook group that conducted family-friendly bike rides in the SGV. I went on the ride, met the people who organized the ride, and fell in love with what they were all about and what they did as an organization. I decided to go to their office one day and see if I could volunteer with them. I was able to become a bike marshall during their bike trains, helped with their bicycle and pedestrian counts, and eventually became a part-time League Certified Instructor to teach bike classes for Bike SGV.

2. What do you like most about ActiveSGV?

I love working with Active SGV because it is not too common that your closest friends are also your co-workers. I get to work directly with our community members and see the difference our organization makes in our neighborhoods.

3. What is your favorite Active memory?

My favorite Active SGV moment dates back to our very first Open Streets event on March 5th, 2017. For a young organization to put on an event of this magnitude, working with eight different communities, over 18 miles of open streets, and having around 100,000 people attend our event is something I will never forget. I saw so many people on the streets, from kids to adults, people on bikes and skates laughing and smiling. It was a very surreal and a very feel-good moment for me.

4. If a friend was visiting from out of town, which would you take them to visit and why?

I consider myself lucky when I tell people that it takes me around 5 minutes on my bike for me to get to work. I consider myself even lucky that there is a BMX pump track located where I work. I would want my friends from out of town to check out the only public bike pump track in the SGV, and after a few hours of shredding, I would take them to Sweet Veggie for dinner.

5. What are you listening to/watching/reading right now?

My current faves are:

Music Genre: Tropical Sax House

Artist: Ehrling

Song: Willow Smith- Wait a Minute

TV Show: Casa de Papel

Movie: Time Trap

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