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San Marino City Council to Consider Funding First Bike/Ped Master Plan, Lorain Road Bikeway 10/9/13

The San Marino City Council will consider funding the development of a Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan and Class II Bicycle Lanes on Lorain Rd. at the Crowell Public Library on Wednesday, October 9th (6 PM).  

Item 3 on Wednesday's agenda - Award of Proposal for for Professional Consultant Services to Develop a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan - asks Council Members to decide whether to award Evan Brooks Associates $24,990 to draft the City's first Bicycle Master Plan.

Item 4 on the agenda - Consideration of Class III or Class II Bikeway Pilot Project on Lorain Rd. and Appropriation of Funds - asks Council Members to fund a Lorain Rd Bikeway, and if so, to determine if it should consist of a Class II Bicycle Lanes or a Class III Bicycle Route.  Due to speeding traffic on this residential street and existing research on the benefits of bike lanes versus bike routes, BikeSGV's preferred alternative is a Class II Bicycle Lane, as it would improve safety and reduce speeding traffic the most.

Especially if you're a local resident, your support is needed in person Wednesday evening or via email.  Public comment may be submitted directly to the Council via email here: , , , ,

A full City Council agenda can be viewed here.

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