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Joy Walters

Noche 2022 Honoree - Outstanding Local Advocate - Joy Walters

Joy Walters is a retired middle school science teacher, a volunteer at Eaton Canyon Nature Center, and a facilitator at Clean Healthy Air, Clean Healthy Altadena (CHA CHA) an Altadena-based grassroots organization.

After attending a Climate Reality Project training Joy wondered what she could do to help address climate change in her community. In response to numerous threads on “Nextdoor” expressing concern about the negative effects of leaf blowers such as noise and air pollution, Joy posted an invitation for neighbors to meet at her home to discuss the subject.

As a result, CHA CHA was formed and for the last three years CHA CHA advocated for zero-emission yard equipment adoption among other environmentally sustainable landscaping techniques. In her role as a facilitator for CHA CHA, Joy has researched air quality and public policy opportunities; collaborated with community organizations such as the AGZA Green Zone Alliance, Altadena Heritage, and the Altadena Public Library to host engaging community events; empowered local residents to engage in a multitude of local, regional, and state decision-making processes; and distributed a tremendous amount of information on clean air, native plants, and sustainable landscaping to local residents via her weekly newsletter and regular group meetings. With Joy’s leadership CHA CHA is once again participating in the national Clean Air Day and will be hosting “Altadena Clean Air Week”. Scheduled for October 3-8, the 2022 edition of the event will include a panel talk on “The Way We Garden” at the public library, a walk/bike to school day event, live demonstrations, and a "1,000 yardscape challenge” that will challenge people to make one or more environmentally sustainable changes in how they care for their yards.

With Joy’s work and leadership, CHA CHA has advocated within the Altadena community for sustainable, ecologically friendly landscaping techniques, including the use of CA native plants and zero-emission yard equipment (e.g., yard sweepers, battery electric blowers). When combined these techniques reduce water consumption, air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. They also support local biodiversity. Her advocacy has not only benefited the people of Altadena but the bees, butterflies, birds and lizards in her community.

ActiveSGV's annual awards party, Noche de las Luminarias, honors people making strides to realize a more sustainable, equitable, and livable San Gabriel Valley. On 9/22/22 we are excited to once again host the event in a beautiful, outdoor setting at Grapevine Arbor in the City of San Gabriel. More information about the event and how to get tickets here.

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