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Two individuals sitting outdoors, with the text "Noche 2024 Trust for Public Land Outstanding Community Organization" displayed at the bottom.

Noche 2024 - Outstanding Community Organization - Trust for Public Land

Since 1972, Trust for Public Land has been a tireless advocate for creating parks and protecting land, ensuring everyone has access to the outdoors, and we're thrilled to honor TPL as our Outstanding Community Group or Organization for this year's Noche de las Luminarias!

Trust for Public Land's mission goes beyond just creating parks; it's about fostering healthier, more livable communities. They focus on equity, ensuring that parks are accessible to all, regardless of background or socioeconomic status. Trust for Public Land understands the importance of green spaces for physical and mental well-being and for building resilience against climate change.

Their work has made a tangible difference. Projects like the Norwood Elementary Greening Project in El Monte showcase their ability to transform neglected spaces into vibrant community hubs. This project, funded by a $9.8 million grant from Los Angeles County's Safe Clean Water Program, demonstrates their commitment to addressing park inequities and providing underserved communities with access to nature.

Over its long history, Trust for Public Land has protected over 4 million acres of land and established more than 5,364 parks and outdoor spaces. Their advocacy has also secured nearly $93 billion in public funding for conservation efforts, highlighting the critical role of green spaces in sustainable development.

Join us as we celebrate Trust for Public Land's outstanding contributions to our community. Learn more about their work on our ActiveLab Podcast featuring an insightful conversation with Edna Robidas from Trust for Public Land.

We invite you to attend our award ceremony and dinner on Thursday, September 12, at the San Gabriel Grapevine Arbor. It's a night to honor Trust for Public Land and all those working to create a more equitable and sustainable future in the San Gabriel Valley. Tickets to Noche De Las Luminarias are available at