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Jenna Cobb

Staff Spotlight: Meet Jenna Cobb - Program Manager

In this month's edition of Staff Spotlight, we're thrilled to present Jenna Cobb, a key player in our team at ActiveSGV. Jenna is a part of the Climate team, managing ActiveSGV’s Trusted Messenger Network program. Funded by the State of California’s Office of Community Partnerships & Strategic Communications, the program focuses on conducting highly interactive outreach to encourage San Gabriel Valley residents to take actions related to extreme heat, water conservation, Individual Tax Identification Numbers (ITINs), and more.  Outside of work, Jenna co-leads the environmental team at her church Evergreen Baptist Church of LA in Rosemead. Get to know Jenna better in her own words below!

How did you get started working at ActiveSGV? 

I just started working at ActiveSGV in August 2024, so I’m pretty new here! However, I first heard about ActiveSGV through my former colleague at Chino Basin Water Conservation District Monica Curiel who used to work for ActiveSGV when it was BikeSGV. I met many ActiveSGV staff at a Friendsgiving at her house, which included a great game of Sardines at Washington Park in Pomona. Having met some of the fun and passionate staff plus caring deeply about the San Gabriel Valley which has been my home since college, I jumped at the chance to apply for a job at ActiveSGV, and I’m very happy to be here!

What do you like most about ActiveSGV?

I am very grateful to be a part of a staff team that cares so deeply about the community we work in and with: the San Gabriel Valley. That definitely comes through in the work ActiveSGV does as well as how each staff member talks about their work. I also love how much fun there is to be had at ActiveSGV! From staff hiking and biking clubs to Instant Recesses at staff meetings to Active Streets events, it’s clear that ActiveSGV values doing fun things together.

Favorite and memorable ActiveSGV experience: 

Before I started working at ActiveSGV, I got to participate in a few Active Streets events, including ArroyoFest in fall 2023! As a Pasadena resident, it was such a joy to reclaim six miles of the 110 freeway/Arroyo Seco Parkway as a pedestrian. While walking on the parkway, I was delighted to dance to live music, wave at the Metro A Line train, and witness people of all ages walking, biking, rolling, and even crawling with a deep sense of community and joy.

Jenna and her spouse Andrew at ArroyoFest!

If a friend from out of town were to visit, which place in the SGV would you take them to and why? 

I lived in Pomona for five years, so I’d take them to Downtown Pomona, ideally on a 2nd Saturday ArtWalk! We’d start at Mi Cafecito Coffee, then check out the books at Cafe Con Libros, visit the many art galleries around downtown, and finally get some food at Hilltop Jamaican Restaurant with dessert at Delicious Freedom!

What are you currently listening to, reading, watching, or digging?

I love the podcast Vibe Check! Listening to Sam Sanders, Saeed Jones, and Zach Stafford discuss what's happening in the world every week helps me feel like I’m processing the news with three good friends.