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BikeSGV to Guest Host BikeTalk 11/3

BikeSGV will be guest hosting Bike Talk, a weekly LA-based radio program podcast by Pacifica Radio (KPFK 90.7 FM), on November 3, 2012. The program airs on Saturday mornings from 10 AM - 12 PM, and listeners can stream the program on

BikeTalk covers everything from bicycle news, events, advocacy, and art. We will of course be focusing on the latest bike planning, policy, and advocacy news from the San Gabriel Valley, including Alhambra's draft Bike Plan, the new El Monte Transit Center, the budding Complete Streets movement in Temple City, and bike plan implementation in South Pasadena.

City Council Members from at least 3 different San Gabriel Valley cities are also scheduled to be on the show to fill listeners in on the latest from their communities. Tune in Saturday morning, or sign up for the free podcast, to find out if one of your elected leaders is one of them! :)

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