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AP sitting on a rock at the beach.

Staff Spotlight: Adriana Pinedo

Adriana (known by many as AP) is one of the smiling faces you'll encounter at any of our outreach events. Get to know her below:

1. How did you get started working at ActiveSGV?

My work at ActiveSGV actually started nine years ago, by way of Day One and my amazing co-workers there. I had the great fortune of starting my work in the field of public health through this organization back when I was just beginning to understand what impacts our communal health. I understood that public policy was the only way to make sustainable improvements in our neighborhoods. For years, I had been organizing in my hometown (shout out Pomona!) and knew that it was the very people in our neighborhoods who were experts and would be the greatest forces for change-- they just needed the tools! Through Day One, not only did I learn a lot about the field, but more importantly, I made lasting relationships with great visionaries in the SGV that I'm fortunate enough to continue to call colleagues and mentors.

2. What do you like most about ActiveSGV?

I love that I get to work with an amazing group of people from different backgrounds and perspectives who all share a goal to make the SGV a better place to live and enjoy. They are people who understand the magnitude of our global and regional actions around climate change, building environment, and policy frameworks. Everyone on our team brings something different to the table, making it a great team to be a part of.

3. Favorite and/or memorable ActiveSGV experience?

About seven years ago, I participated in my first Bike Train and have loved them ever since! Of all the things we do, I think those rides with so many happy, excited people are my highlight every time. There's just something special about being a part of a group like that and experiencing the SGV on a bicycle; there's just nothing like it. You can really discover a place for the first time, even though you may have driven past it for years. If you ever need a pick-me-up, bring a portable speaker, bike bells, a water bottle, and a flag, and join 60 bike riders - there's nothing like it.

4. If a friend from out of town were to visit, which place in the SGV would you take them to and why?

I love our office site, so I'd definitely show that off and then head to the Emerald Necklace for a quick ride. We'd make our way to Pomona, and I'd show them our Downtown area, grab a Cafe de Olla Latte at Mi Cafecito, pop in to say hi at Cafe con Libros, and grab some delicious vegan food at Mi Borreguita. What makes the SGV so special are the great people that call it home, and I'd want to introduce them to those most special to me. As all of my Pomona tours end, we'd finish at my mom's front yard, sitting under a huge Chinese elm, watching the world go by, eating oranges from our tree, and playing with my dog Storm.

5. What you're listening to/ reading/ watching/ digging right now:

Currently Listening to:

Bad Bunny's "YHLQYQ" album and "A Bailar Con Mis Indios" playlist by Reclama on Spotify.


"Fruit of the Drunken Tree" by Ingrid Rojas Contreras and "You Were Made for This" by Chani Nicholas.


Ozark and Mind Hunter.

Digging right now:

Learning to read astral charts, making my own salsa, and finding special ways to keep connected with loved ones no matter where we are.

Follow AP on Instagram: @ayepeeh for daily memes and motivation.

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