Earlier this year Javier Hernandez of Bike SGV was selected by Kaiser Permanente and HBO Documentary Films to participate in the filming of "The Weight of the Nation." Javier hauled both a camera-man and microphone operator on a custom built wagon as they captured the youth leaders of the Baldwin Park Cycler Program advocating for safer streets while learning about city planning, traffic calming, bicycle safety, rules of the road, and basic mechanics.
While we did not make the final cut, the final product does an excellent job of shedding light on the scale of America's obesity problem and what communities and individuals can and are doing to begin addressing it. KPCC's Crawford Family Forum will screen a few segments from the part of the series entitled, "Children in Crisis", followed by a panel discussion.
From KPCC's website:
America’s obesity problem hits close to home: today, over half of LA County’s adult population is overweight or obese, a figure consistent with the growth trend seen between 1997 and 2007, when the percentage of the county’s residents – including children – jumped from 14% to 22%. Given health, economic, and other disparities within our region, obesity, and its effects have afflicted some segments of our population more than others. Yet quality of life, workforce productivity, and healthcare costs have implications for the region as a whole.
On Tuesday, July 17th, KPCC’s Jose Martinez moderates “Weighing In: Addressing Youth Obesity in L.A. County” at The Crawford Family Forum. This child and teen obesity focused program will look at clips from the HBO/Institute of Medicine documentary series “Weight of the Nation” and take up the realities of dealing with obesity in and around Los Angeles.
Jose Martinez (KPCC OnCentral reporter)
Dr. Eric Walsh (Director, Pasadena Public Health Department)
Jackie Hernandez (Greater LA director, American Heart Association)
Carlos Morales (Founder, Eastside Bike Club)
6:30 PM - Doors Open
7:00 PM - Program
Admission is FREE, but online RSVPs via the KPCC website are required